Monday, April 30, 2007


Stef Bos is a Dutch singer/songwriter who has made South Africa his home. My favourite song of his is witsand. But this one is good too

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sex in South Africa

From internet opinion polls in South Africa

* we shag lots of different people (well, more than 3 anyway..)
* we cheat on our partners (60% at one time or another)
* we're into anal sex (50%)
* cybersex is regarded as cheating, but most of us still do it.
* swinging - only 30% would never do it! The rest either do or would like to..
* contrary to what porn mags tell us, nobody swallows

100 things about me

So you want to know about me?
One hundred things about me.......

1. I’m a guy.
2. I’m ancient, in my late 40’s – but don’t feel it.
3. My name is Rosebud, and I’m a workaholic
4. My favourite colour is caterpillar green
5. I am 1.72m tall.
6. Blue eyes
7. Blonde
8. I’m not bald.
9. I love biltong, especially now that I can’t get any.
10. I have 2 kids.
11. I am happily married
12. I have two brothers, one is an investment banker, the other a radiologist.
13. I’m the eldest
14. I have tried cybersex.
15. My Dad is my best mate. He’s 87 this year
16. I’ve been to 26 countries. Lived in six of them.
17. I’ve moved 44 times, 12 times since I got married.
18. Palm tree weather is better than snow
19. I love digital photography, you can send pics so easily
20. I hated school, but liked university.
21. I consider myself a pragmatist.
22. No tattoos. Yet. Thinking about it seriously
23. Don’t like sushi – part of the reason is they use sesame oil. My body does not like sesame oil and tries to commit suicide when I ingest any
24. There are too many pets in the house.
25. I’d love to have a tasmanian devil as a pet. But the ferrets will do.
26. Orchids are my favourite flowers
27. I miss the freedom of youth, but like where I am right now.
28. I’m happy with myself as a person.
29. My favourite TV show is Top Gear
30. Lost my virginity at 20 (been trying to catch up ever since..)
31. I enjoy cooking, but my wife is better at it.
32. Not an office-type person, so avoid mine. Always in the workplace somewhere
33. This is harder than it looks
34. I’ve had malaria 4 times
35. I hate incompetence
36. I miss rain
37. Prefer deserts to jungles. Jungles are claustrophobic
38. Rum & Raisin is my favourite ice cream flavour
39. I’m a geologist, but not involved in geology any more
40. The first record I ever bought was a Deep Purple album – my parents were not impressed
41. I prefer Mercs to Beemers, but I drive neither.
42. I do watch the porn channels on tv
43. I prefer salt ‘n vinegar chips
44. Like my food spicy
45. My wife has naked pics of me (before you get ideas, she’s an artist)
46. I still want to do paragliding
47. And start a spice farm on Zanzibar
48. I don’t like cucumber
49. Roasted grasshoppers in chocolate sauce is about the strangest thing I’ve eaten. Tastes like a kit kat
50. I’m an introvert. And a cancerian
51. My humour is of the sick variety
52. I read incessantly – sometimes up to 3 books at the same time
53. I don’t watch much tv
54. Haven’t had a car accident yet.
55. Been in a helicopter crash though
56. I don’t smoke
57. I play golf. Badly
58. I’m a voyeur, which is why I love blogs
59. Don’t like running – ran too much in the army
60. Don’t like my mother in law
61. Addicted to the internet
62. Like chatting to strangers on the net
63. I love thunderstorms
64. Would give my left testicle to go to space
65. I’ve never been in jail
66. I have smoked dope
67. I’m an insomniac
68. I love coca cola
69. Boob size doesn’t matter – as long as the pointy bits work
70. First thing I look at in a woman is their eyes
71. Sex gets better with age
72. I wish I could play the guitar
73. I get seasick. Very
74. I rarely get drunk. Malaria makes it hurt too much
75. I broke my ankle playing tennis many years ago
76. I use a Sony Ericcson mobile phone
77. Sleep on the right hand side of the bed, like most men
78. Wash my hair every day
79. Don’t like shaving
80. I don’t hunt anymore
81. Prefer my holidays at the sea
82. I’m lucky to have such good kids
83. Casual dress is better than formal
84. I do not wear ties
85. Purple is a great colour – almost as nice as caterpillar green
86. is my favourite airline
87. I usually fly on Emirates airlines though
88. I want to go to Timbuktoo
89. Not mad about chocolate
90. My wife is my best friend
91. I am an isomniac
92. I met my wife on a blind date
93. The caller ID on my phone has the mother in law listed as Dragon
94. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lighthouse keeper.
95. I still do.
96. This is much harder than it looks.
97. My Mom’s family is strange
98. I had a beard for 15 years.
99. I am left handed
100. I wonder if anyone will read all of this?


Does anybody still listen to Uriah Heep, or Bachman Turner Overdrive, or Golden Earring? Jimmy Page and Robert Plant are still alive and well and producing good stuff - although Ozzy Oddball Osbourne is probably more famous these days. The Doors had a revival in popularity after the movie came out, and people still put flowers on Morrisson's grave in Paris. But what happened to Strawbs? The Grateful Dead (or the Dead as they now call themselves) are huge in the US, but in SA I don't hear people listening to their music. A huge amount of music these days appears to be more than an exercise in marketing, rather than raw talent... where are the new guys who can play like Page or Hendrix? Are they out there?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What if

what if I were silent
what if I were mute
what if I could turn this off
or start over new
would it be fresh
would it be better
would I just be stuck writing
a silent letter
what if I were private
what if I were quiet
what if I never said anything
I wonder would we still try it
what if I could be a mystery
tell me would I have the same appeal
or would I be the one in your life
helping you to heal
not just on the sidelines
waiting for my chance
I seemed to have snuck on the ride
without the ticket
could I have messed up plans?
and whats with all these questions eating at my brain
its just sometimes I wonder if I were somewhat different
would this card still play the same

Misty wrote this. I don't often "what if". In fact I never do unless i'm doing a due diligence on a company or working on orebody modelling. But this is good.

You don't dance to tekno anymore


You got bones in your closet
You got ghosts in your town
Ain't no doubt, yeah, they're gonna come out
They're waiting for the sun to go down
You can't hide from your demons
Feel 'em all lurkin' around
You're runnin' scared 'cause you know they're out there
They're waiting for the sun to go down
- Little Big Town

We all have skeletons in our cupboards. If we can't keep them locked up, we might as well teach them to dance

Sunday, April 22, 2007


When I was stationed in Bethlehem (not the one with the three wise men and a virgin), the army had farm which was used for training (bridge building, mine warfare, explosives etc). It was also a wildlife sanctuary. One of the animals in the camp was an orphaned wildebeest. This one was quite young, about waist high to an adult, and just starting to grow horns.

Every time we came to the farm, my corporal would go look for the wildebeest and play with him. Play consisted of grabbing it by the horns, and giving it a shake. The young wildebeest loved this, and immediately try to head butt him. The corporal (for the life of me I can’t remember his name) was a strapping young lad, and he’d hold the animals by the horns and play with him.

We went away for three months, I think we went to the townships. When we came back, the first thing corporal did was to look up his mate and give him a shake. Big mistake. In three months the wildebeest must have put on a 100 kilos, and promptly had the man pushed up against the truck, fighting for his life. We were laughing so hard there was no way we could help him. When it really looked like he was going to get seriously hurt a couple of guys gave him a hand up into the truck.

The problem was that every time we went back to the farm to give the troops training, the wildebeest was there, waiting for the corporal. He’s single him out. And insist on playing…

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stil aand

Vanaand het ek weer so verlang,
in grondelose vrees
van eie gryse eensaamheid,
dat jy by my moet wees.

dat ek die wye koeltes van
jou stem om my kan voel,
soos die rimp'ling van die somerreën
vervlugtig oor my spoel.

En toe ek deur die duister wind
wat oor my huisie waai,
die knip hoor lig, het heel my hart
in vreugde opgelaai...

Nou sit ons voor die vuur en speel
die vlamlig deur ons hare...
Laag waai die reënwind buite deur
die afgevalle blare.

deur/by W. E. G. Loux

Lisa se Klavier

Koos kombuis een van my favourites - sy musiek kom al jare saam met my. Soos 'n ou vriend. Mense sien hom nie elke dag nie, maar as julle weer gesels voel dit of julle nooit apart was nie..

Ek het 'n vriendin
Ver by die blou see
Teen die hang van Tafelberg as die son sak
Speel sy die mooiste melodieë
Haar vingers ken die pad
Opgesluit in wit en swart
Die klavier se grootste vreugde, hartseer en verlange
Verstaan die hart se diepste smart

Ja, die hele wêreld word stil
En luister in die donker uur
Na die naggeluide
Van Lisa se Klavier

Lisa kan nie ophou
As sy eers begin het nie
En sy laat my nooit huis toe loop of afskeid neem
Voor my laaste sigaret nie
Ek staan op haar balkon
En drink haar appelkoostee
Kyk uit na Kaapstad in die nag
Die liggies en die swart, swart see


En onder op die sypaadjie
Sien ek die bergie en sy maat
Wat staan en opkyk ver na bo
Vanuit die vullis van Oranjestraat
Hulle ken al lank die klanke
Wat uit haar woonstel stroom
Lank na twaalf, met die deure oop, al moan die bure ookal hoe
Word Lisa elke boemelaar se droom


Woorde en Musiek: Koos Kombuis

© Koos Kombuis Published by Shifty Music / Trapsuutjies Uitgewers

Friday, April 20, 2007

Quo vadis

In July I will be going back to South Africa for the first time in two and a half years. Even for me, not seeing my country for this amount of time is a long stretch. I miss it. I miss my friends. I miss my family. But the prospect of going holiday does not fill me with a huge amount of excitement.

I’ve been somewhat melancholy rhese last two weeks.. Too much thinking of the past, friends long lost, friends that might have been. “Where have all the people gone, long time passing….”

What does this all add up to? Over worked? These last two years have been as stressful as anything I have ever experienced. So maybe. Unhappy with my life? Nope. So where’s the energy gone?

Is this what we do? Work till you retire, then try and live on the money you didn’t save, and then die? So go live on a tropical island, grow dope and eat fresh fish every day…. Except the kids need to go to university, dentists need to be paid for, and lives need to be lived.

Dunno, have to think about this one…

Thought for the day

Dark angel wrote this....

Sometimes life flows, our energy In sync with another. Sometimes it's harder, our energies parallel yet gracing different shores. Like two magnets we are sometimes inexplicably bound yet at other times, when you turn us over, when the moon changes in the sky, when a new day begins we repel with a force greater than human understanding .


Of all the photos I've taken in the last two and a half years, this is the one that defines the town I live in. I took it on Wednesday afternoon on my way to pick up my son from his swimming class. There is sometimes a feeling of peace here that one doesn't often feel. Like everything is as it should be,

Thursday, April 19, 2007


When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

William Butler Yeats

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

You're in the army now.. part 1

Yep. I did that. A long time ago. My basic training was in Kroonstad at the School of Engineers. I remember laughing a lot. Laughing gets you in trouble, but how do you keep a straight face when someone stands with his face two inches from you, and screams...

" I'm gonna rip off your head, shit on your lungs and charge you with halitosis! Do you understand me????"'

I was 25 at the time, so quite old. But then all university graduates with science degrees were sent to the School of Engineers in typical army logic. So we had 64 very bright guys in a bungalow, with a 18 year old neanderthal trying to teach us the disciplne, rifle etiquette, and how to eat greasy eggs... Like i said, I laughed a lot.

Miskien so

Miskien so - Johan Wentzel

Of miskien so
miskien is alles
so miskien

Daar is verlange
wat brand
en verlange
wat skroei
dan's daar verlange
wat diep binne groei

of miskien so
miskien is alles
so miskien

Soms loop ek reguit
soms trap ek skeef
verlore in dinge
wat niemand beleef
Kan jy my sê
hoe jy dit wil hê

of miskien so
miskien is alles
so miskien

Met yskoue wil
doof ek 'n vuur
van vergeefse verlange
teen my alleenlopermuur
Die droogte wat dreig
wil ek liewer verswyg

of miskien so
of miskien is alles
so miskien

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Technicolour dreams

Most of my dreams I forget. I know I should try to remember them, but I’ve found that the sound of the alarm going off usually reboots my hard drive and I forget all my dreams. But every so often my dreams are crystal clear, in full colour, and I remember every single little detail for months afterwards. This is one of them;

I was sitting in an old white enamel bath tub (one of those really old ones that have claw feet), with my arms resting on the edge of the tub. The bath was outside in tropical garden, on a moss covered concrete slab. It was under some big trees, in dappled shade. The water was greenish, probably tap water. To my left was a log cabin, with steps leading up to a verandah. I remember thinking that this was a very ugly building for the African tropics. It even had lace curtains in the windows…

Sher came past, and wandered up the stairs. She didn’t speak to me or look at me, I just knew it was her by her long black hair. Right behind her was Michelle Pheiffer. Something in her posture made me look up and ask “ Are you ok? Is there something I can do for you?”

She squeezed my arm and looked me right in the eyes. Her eyes were red from crying. She said “ Honey, to tell you the truth, I’m not ok..” She started moving off, then came back again. Gave my arm a long hard squeeze. She smiled at me. And followed Sher up the steps into the cabin.

Not sure what to make of this one….

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Story to tell

there is a tear, old man

on your face and your hands are shaking

is it fear, old man

or just a trace of hatred awakening?

you've a story to tell

and you tell it so well

but the story is not in the lines on a page,

the story is in the lines on your face

this is the world, old man

for which your worked and loved with passion

a cultured pearl, old man

that your heart and hands helped to fashion

they want to change your way of life

a life you thought was right

all you've held dear since birth, they'll rearrange

but I don't think you're going to live to see the change

Orgasmo simulator

Try this....

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Nightmares. We all get them. My parents used to tell me it’s from too much salt, or too much food, or getting too hot under your bedding

Nightmare was the original term for the state later known as waking dream and more currently as sleep paralysis, associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The original definition was understood to include a "morbid oppression in the night, resembling the pressure of weight upon the breast."

Such nightmares were widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English, the being in question was called a mare, where the mare part in nightmare.
The mythology of the Sea Island people of South Carolina and Georgia describes the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move i.e., experiences sleep paralysis.

Ok, so much for the Wikipedia version…. I’ve had a recurring nightmare lately. About spiders. I don’t like spiders, but I wouldn’t classify it as a phobia though. In my dream, a spider (a big one, about the size of a dog) chases me. Around the outside of the house. If I run flat out, I can keep ahead, bit shit, it’s tiring. So I find something to smack it with. Like a broom, or a spade. When I smack it, it squeals and gets crushed quite convincingly wit appropriate blood effects. Except sometimes (often) the broom turns to Styrofoam and does nothing. So I have to run again. Or smack it about 50 times before it dies. Which is as tiring as running.

When I’ve finally killed the bloody spider, and I think “thank f…..” – the next one appears. And around the house we go again…..