Monday, March 05, 2007

My Everest

My friend Belinda was talking about our personal Everests. Which got me thinking…

Anyone heard of lifestyle coaching? It sounds new age. Fuzzy. I come from a mining background. Fuzzy is not an option in mining. You’re more likely to hear “fuck off and fix it” than “how are you feeling today?”

I worked with a lifestyle coach. He is not fuzzy ( Ex SAS, climbed Everest, currently walking to the North Pole…. Successful business man (sold over 200 Airbus aeroplanes last I heard). Come to think of it, he’s one of those over achievers that piss you off. Except he’s a nice guy, quietly spoken. And you wouldn’t know what he’d achieved if other people hadn’t told you.

He made me think. Made me see what was really important. And then made it extremely clear what I had to do to get what and where I wanted to be. And not once did he actually tell me what to do. All he did was ask questions…. And if you ask the right questions, the answers are simple. And getting where you want becomes easy peasy too (actually not, the simple things tend to be fucking difficult to get right.). But at least you know which direction you should be heading in.

I’m heading for my personal Everest now. The good thing is that I was more or less heading in the right direction to start with. I just didn’t know it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a steep fucken mountain to go climb...

1 comment:

Wind Whisperer said...

Make sure you know the way