Monday, February 05, 2007

Water, water, everywhere (part 2)

The previous post reminded me of our water supply in Nairobi. There were six villas that were fed with one 15mm pipe. The villas were owned by the Minister of Water Affairs. Our particular meter ran backwards - every month I seemed to supple Nairobi with about 100 cubic metres of water. And for the privilege of doing that I was presented, every month, with an account for $25,000. And every month I took it to the water dept, and every month they cancelled my debts. When I left two years later it still hadn't been sorted out...

We also had some fun with high tension power cables they stretched over our verandah...they were only a metre above the banister. And since the kids were only allowed to play with 11,000 volt lines on Christmas day I had to get the doors to the verandah welded shut.

1 comment:

Wind Whisperer said...

Well thats what u get for living in deepest darkest wherever

You are so mean, those poor kids, only on Christmas day, why i should report you to the Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Electrically Deprived Children