Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I would under normal circumstances never pose for pics of myself holding a gun - it's a bit like telling everyone at the Embassy dinner your favourite musician is Kevin Bloody Wilson. But you can't work in Iraq and not do it - after all, when you go to Prague you will take a pic of yourself on Charles bridge...

There is another sadder side to the pic - this is a war zone. And you never know when you need to use one. So for the first time in 25 years, some practice was in order.

Me on the left.


MaliceInWonderland said...

LOL... loved this photo of "the boys" but I know exactly what you mean.

Besides, Iraq isn't exactly a picnic. Neither is it an Embassy dinner.

Damn, what is that gun? Not that I know much about guns, but that looks like a Kalashnikov to me.

Whatever it is, it suits you. Matches the shades perfectly. *grin*

eet kreef said...

It's a bastard - Kalashnikov that has been attacked with a can of spray paint, and the rear end of an American M4 added to it...

MaliceInWonderland said...

Bastard, or not, as long as it does what it needs to do to keep you safe it's a worthy weapon.

I'm hoping you'll not have to test its abilities outside the firing range.