Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The compound is just over a kilometre from the workplace, and although I have an old LandRover I can use, I usually walk to get some exercise during the day. It adds up to 6 or 8km by suppertime.

The dirt road turns to snot when it rains, so they've dumped a load of river gravel on it to manage the issue. To keep myself occupied I choose a pebble in the road and then kick it ahead of me as I walk. Sometimes it goes in an unexpected direction, and then I get another pebble and off I go again.

The last pebble I had lasted almost a week. I'd kick it to work, them kick it back to the compound at lunchtime. The same in the afternoon. But the fucking thing bounced strangely this morning and I lost it. I was getting quite attached to it.

This is my new pebble. I'm calling it Fred and we'll see just how long Fred will last...


MaliceInWonderland said...

I had to laugh at this. I've been known to do the same thing with litter.

The sound of a rattling can along the footpath while walking home at 2am is particularly satisfying. Can't say I've ever become emotionally attached to any of them though. *grin*

By the way, that's a great photo of Fred. :)

eet kreef said...

Fred didn't last. I tossed him into the sewage settlement pond. I now have Edwina. A cute little thing....

Warrior Dog said...

I've done some strange and wonderful things in the desert, but this is the coolest. Think I'll take a ride this weekend out that way. Tent.. nah Sleeping back.. check! Petrol money.. check! Camera.. check! Speak to you Tuesday.