Friday, August 31, 2007

Andrzej Dragan

Fuckit, some people leave me gobsmacked. Andrzej Dragan has a PhD in quantum physics, is a prizewinning music composer. But a while ago he started taking photos. This man is a genius. Go look at his stuff. Picked this one up from Chihuahua's blog


Catherine Rossetti said...

And he's only 29 :) 'Fuckit' just about sums it up.

His photography is certainly unusual. As you know I don't know a lot about photography (certainly not enough to voice an educated opinion). Having said that, I can see that it's good. Really good. I'm just not sure that I like it. It doesn't resonate with anything in me. It's alien. Interesting. Well shot. But alien.

Thanks for the link. Interesting start to a new week. :D

Warrior Dog said...

Many of his photos do not employ the Dragan effect, but somehow he manages to give his photos character. Much like the Japanese postcards from yonks back. A look i've been experimenting with lately.

I posted a short article on the Dragan effect in preperation for posting the steps needed to replicate 'that' feel tomorrow.