Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where is home to you?

I've lived all over the world, from Hyde Park next to Harrods to a hammock between two pickups just the other side of nowhere. I'll probably settle in Cape Town. One day. When I'm all grown up. But Zululand is home. There is just no place like it. I've been in an out of Zululand since the late 60's, and once it becomes part of you....well it kinda sticks.

This is taken at St Luica about two weeks ago. My first pilgrimage back in a while. In the background is Mapelane - the 2nd highest vegetated dune in the world (i know i know - useless information)

1 comment:

Catherine Rossetti said...

:) Interesting information. I love seemingly useless little facts like that.

Hope you enjoyed every minute of your time here... even though it felt a bit like the twilight zone.

How's the heat?